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Submitted by HM_aureleassogba on

Victory! Ontario’s Court of Appeal hands down a unanimous and unequivocal decision in favour of SOS Montfort.

Large budget

Submitted by HM_aureleassogba on

Following the Court of Appeal’s ruling, and in light of chronic under-funding, the hospital receives a large budget to enable it to pursue its double mission of community services and teaching.

Book launch

Submitted by HM_aureleassogba on

Launch of the book “Montfort : la lutte d’un people” by Michel Gratton, in the main entrance of the hospital. 

Creation of medal

Submitted by HM_aureleassogba on

Creation of the “March 22 Medal.” Twenty-two of these medals are minted, to be awarded to individuals who have shown pride, determination and tenacity, three qualities crucial to the success of Hôpital Montfort.