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Mental Health Clinics

The goal of the mental health clinics is to help patients improve their mental health so that they can better function and reintegrate into their community.

Any person referred to mental health services is referred to the centralized intake. When a referral is received, the centralized intake staff assess the referral and direct it to the appropriate service. The centralized intake service is staffed by a health care professional Monday to Friday between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.

Information for the referring physician

  • Complete the "Centralized Intake / Request for Psychiatric Consultation" form
  • Be between the ages of 18 and 65 and live in Ontario
  • Have a valid Health Card
  • Be referred by a family physician, a nurse practitioner, or an inpatient unit
  • Eating disorders
  • Psycho-Legal Assessments
  • Living outside of Ontario
  • Geronto-psychiatry
  • Child psychiatry
  • Autism Spectrum
  • Intellectual disability
  • ADHD Assessment
  • Long-term follow-up
  • 2nd opinion (already received a psychiatric consultation. Each case is evaluated)

To request service, please complete this form and fax it to 613-748-4938, or call 613-746-4621 x 3579.

Mental Health Clinics

Mental Health Clinics include several programs that meet different needs.

The psychiatrists at the Mental Health Clinic offer one-on-one consultations with the objective of assessing the diagnosis and making pharmacological recommendations. Your physician must refer you for this service.

The nurses in this program will assess your needs, provide education and support, and administer medication by injection. They may also supervise the taking of Clozaril. This service is only available to clients being followed by one of the Montfort psychiatrists.

This specialized program is designed for individuals diagnosed with borderline personality traits or disorder whose symptom severity interferes with functioning, as well as the ability to manage emotions and/or interpersonal relationships. All participants first take part in a 12-week group treatment based on behavioural-dialectical skills training (DBT). Group sessions are offered once a week and each session lasts three hours. 

Depending on their progress and needs, some people are then invited to participate in other services, for example to consolidate their skills learning or to work on their interpersonal relationships. These services are offered over a six-month period. They include a three-hour group session each week, as well as an individual psychotherapy session. Psychiatric consultations are also available as needed.

This group service is for people who are living with a mood disorder, such as depression or an anxiety disorder, and whose symptoms are severe enough to prevent them from doing activities that are important to them.

This group may be for you if you want to function better at home, at work, and in your community, and if you would like to better understand your symptoms and how to manage them. The treatment follows an approach based on cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavioural therapy (DBT).

Groups are offered 5 days a week for 8 weeks, and focus on teaching and practicing skills to manage symptoms. Group sessions begin at 10 a.m. and last 2-4 hours per day. The team consists of a psychiatrist, a psychologist, a registered nurse and an occupational therapist.

Exclusion criteria

  • Substance use problems that would interfere with participation in the group
  • Housing and/or transportation problems
  • Psychotic disorders (with some exceptions)


  • To increase the level of functioning
  • To increase the patient's general knowledge of everything that affects his or her mental health and to develop skills to better manage it (including knowledge of crisis management strategies)
  • To increase links with the community

Our program is a partnership between Montfort and the Young Adult Mental Health Transition Service at CHEO. The goal of the group is to help young adults aged 16 to 24 make the transition from youth mental health services to adult services.

The content of the psycho-educational workshops is tailored to the participants' diagnosis. They will also be able to refer you to appropriate resources throughout the program to help you get the treatment you need.

Our group meets once a week for 10 weeks. The team consists of a psychiatrist, a social worker and a psychotherapist.

This group is for people who have difficulty managing their anxiety effectively. It offers psychoeducation and aims to work on the physical sensations, thoughts and behaviours that interfere with functioning. It uses elements of dialectical behavioural therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, and cognitive behavioural therapy. It is offered by a social worker, a psychotherapist, and their trainees.

Each session lasts three hours, once a week for twelve weeks. We offer an individual assessment and intake session before the group begins and an individual meeting a few weeks after the group ends.

This program aims to meet the needs of people with psychotic disorders, including schizophrenia, by offering them integrated treatment services. This group therapy is based on a psychosocial rehabilitation approach that aims to work on the cognitive deficits of the participants to help them take on their social roles and maintain their ability to live in the community.

The treatment team consists of a psychiatrist, nurse, occupational therapist and social worker. Groups are held twice a week for 1.5 hours.

In addition, the clinic offers occasional psycho-education meetings on psychotic disorders to the families of the participants in order to sensitize them and involve them in the treatment plan to promote social and community reintegration. Psychotic disorder must be the primary diagnosis.

Following a consultation with a psychiatrist at the clinic, you may be referred for a short follow-up with a health professional, such as a psychologist, social worker, psychotherapist or occupational therapist.

These professionals will work with you to establish specific and achievable therapeutic goals.

The purpose of this service is to help you make the transition from hospitalization in the Montfort mental health unit to the community.

Following your discharge, the social worker will contact you to set up individual meetings in order to accompany you in your steps and help you connect with resources in the community.

This new program is for pregnant or postpartum women who had mental health problems before pregnancy, who develop them during pregnancy or after giving birth, and for women who have premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMS).

Meetings are held in person and virtually. In addition, the program offers a group psychotherapy service. This is psychotherapy for pregnant or postpartum women who suffer from a mood disorder and/or an anxiety disorder. This group runs for 12 weeks, with one 90-minute session per week.

You will learn techniques to improve your interpersonal relationships, to relax and to improve attachment with your baby. This psychotherapy aims to decrease symptoms of depression and anxiety, create social bonds, improve your bond with your child, reinforce autonomy and foster a sense of competence in your role as a mother.

To participate in this group, you must obtain a referral from your family physician.

The Community Stepped-Care Telehealth Program is an innovative program that responds to the critical need to provide French-speaking minority communities (FMCs) with better access to evidence-based psychological interventions.  

Stepped care is a promising approach to improving access and the quality of services offered to people suffering from disorders frequently encountered in primary care, such as anxiety and depression, as well as the psychological challenges associated with living with chronic physical illnesses.     

Le programme Psychothérapie structurée Ontario (PSO) offre une thérapie cognitivo-comportementale (TCC) gratuite, à court terme et en personne aux adultes atteints de dépression, de troubles anxieux, de trouble obsessionnel-compulsif ou de trouble de stress post-traumatique (TSPT).

De quelle manière le programme PSO peut aider les clients

Le programme PSO offre une psychothérapie fondée sur des données probantes, la thérapie cognitivo-comportementale, qui apporte des changements positifs en enseignant des compétences et stratégies pratiques aux clients pour les aider à gérer leurs problèmes de santé mentale.

La thérapie cognitivo-comportementale est une forme de psychothérapie structurée, orientée sur les problèmes et les objectifs, et qui est limitée dans le temps. Elle permet de comprendre comment les pensées, les émotions et les comportements sont liés. Grâce à cette compréhension, les clients peuvent changer leur façon de réagir à des pensées ou à des situations troublantes.

La thérapie cognitivo-comportementale aide les gens à acquérir des stratégies et techniques personnelles d’adaptation qui favorisent leurs forces, tout en améliorant leur rétablissement et leur qualité de vie.

Les clients collaboreront avec leur thérapeute de PSO pendant environ 12 séances, selon le problème qu’ils décident d’aborder. Les consultations entre clients et thérapeutes se déroulent en personne ou par télémédecine – le format de thérapie sera fondé sur les besoins du client et la région où il se trouve.

Qui est admissible?

Ce programme s’adresse aux adultes (18 ans et plus) ayant les problèmes de santé mentale suivants :

  • Dépression
  • Troubles anxieux
  • Trouble obsessionnel-compulsif 
  • Trouble de stress post-traumatique

Les clients doivent être disposés à assister à des séances de thérapie cognitivo-comportementale hebdomadaires ou bi-hebdomadaires et être en mesure de participer activement à la thérapie.

Comment référer un·e patient·e? 

Les client.e.s peuvent faire une demande pour ce service en s’inscrivant à AccèsSMT.

Les questions sur le processus d’aiguillage peuvent être adressées à l’équipe du programme PSO au Centre de santé mentale Royal Ottawa, en appelant au +1 (877) 527-8207. 

Note à l’intention des médecins et infirmièr·e·s praticien·ne·s responsables de l’aiguillage : Les demandes d’aiguillage au programme PSO peuvent être directement soumises par voie électronique à partir du dossier de santé électronique (DSE) du patient si vous êtes inscrit au système Ocean eReferral. Le réseau Ocean eReferral est un programme régional qui offre une solution intégrée et gratuite d’aiguillage électronique à tous les fournisseurs de soins primaires de Champlain ayant un système de DSE compatible (Telus PSS; QHR Accuro; et certaines versions de OSCAR). Une fois inscrits au système, les cliniciens peuvent envoyer une demande d’aiguillage directement à partir du DSE du patient, en soumettant le formulaire d’aiguillage approprié, qui sera en grande partie rempli de façon automatique avec les données du patient et du clinicien qui soumet la demande. Pour obtenir plus d’informations sur le système d’aiguillage électronique Ocean eReferral, veuillez envoyer un courriel à :

Additional Notes

This service is also available at the Aline-Chrétien Health Hub.

This service is also available via telehealth.

Patients with an appointment will receive 
an automated reminder by phone, up to
5 days prior to their appointment. 

This service requires a medical referral from your physician.


Level 00 – Wing B

Room 00B190

Phone: 613-746-4621 x 3579

Fax: 613-748-4938