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There are two groups of physicians providing obstetrical care at the Montfort. Both clinics focus on women's health as well as care during and after pregnancy and birth. 

Labour and delivery family physicians team

The family medicine team at Montfort is composed of Dr. Manon Clavette, Dr. Pascale Poelman, Dr. Michelle Workun-Hill, Dr. Valérie Desjardins, Dr. Michelle Chartrand (returning 2026) and Dr. Martine McKay. They provide care for women with low-risk pregnancies. 

A medical referral is preferred, but not required. 

Obstetrical clinic team

The obstetrical clinic team is composed of Dr. Catherine Faucher, Dr. Véronique Moreau and Dr. Stéphanie Palerme. Most of them deal with pregnancies, which are more at risk of complications. 

medical referral is mandatory.  

Hours of operation:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Wednesday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Registering for the delivery 

You will receive a call between the 36th and 37th week of pregnancy to register. During this call, you will be asked if you have private insurance and what type of room you would like. We will also talk to you about possible fees. If you have not received a call by the 37th week, please contact your clinic.

Montfort Obstetrical Triage 

From the 20th week of your pregnancy onward, you can go to Montfort’s triage at 2B105 if you have any concerns, or if you have gone into labour. This department is open 24/7. You can also contact triage by calling 613-746-4621, ext. 3708.

Montfort Obstetrical Clinic 

It’s not possible to visit the Family Birthing Centre (FBC) in person. However, an online virtual tour will show you the different areas in the unit including the rooms and the triage.  Other information is also available online, including a printable list of items to bring with you for your stay as well as a birthing plan.


Resources during your pregnancy

Your care team is available to answer your questions. Do not hesitate to discuss details about your health and that of your baby.

Other resources may also be useful during your pregnancy (we are not responsible for the content of external websites).

Offered by Health Canada, this guide includes advice on a number of topics, including prenatal nutrition, folic acid, physical activity, smoking, and alcohol, among others.

This is a helpful guide if you decide to breastfeed. It contains tips, ideas and information on medications you can take if you have health problems.

If you are a resident of Ontario, you are entitled to free prenatal classes offered by the City of Ottawa. Register online at or by phone at 613-580-6744.

If you are a resident of Québec, prenatal classes are offered by the CISSS. Contact your CISSS for more information.

This Health Canada guide provides important information about the vaccination of your child.

This guide (produced by Health Nexus) explains how to count fetal movements.


Additional Notes

Patients with an appointment will receive 
an automated reminder by phone, up to
5 days prior to their appointment. 


Registration: room 2B120

It is strongly suggested to arrive at the registration location 20 minutes before the appointment time. 

From the 20th week of your pregnancy onward, you can go to Montfort’s triage at 2B105 if you have any concerns, or if you have gone into labour.

Phone: 613-748-4930 to make an appointment, Monday to Friday 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Phone: 613-748-4930 for a labour and delivery family physician

Phone: 613-746-4621, ext. 3708 for triage

Fax: 613-748-4974