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Infection Prevention

Wash your hands frequently – and do so each time you enter or leave a patient's room. 
Cough or sneeze into a tissue or into your elbow instead of your hands. Throw the tissue into the trash immediately after use. 

Visitors should not enter the hospital if they are suffering from an infectious disease (chickenpox, rubella, measles) or if they have the following symptoms:

  • diarrhea;
  • fever;
  • vomiting;
  • cough; 
  • sore throat; 
  • conjunctivitis, etc. 

Avoid sitting on the bed of patients and do not use patients' washrooms. 

Additional precautions in case of infection

In case of infection, additional precautions will be put in place in the patient's room. For visitors, this could include wearing a gown, and/or gloves and/or a mask. Remember that at all times, hands should be washed before entering and after leaving the patient's room. 

Please respect the safety guidelines posted outside the patient's room.

Only persons aged 14 and up may visit a patient who is suffering from an infection (save for exceptional situations). 

As soon as we detect the transmission of certain microorganisms in a care unit, an outbreak is declared and additional control measures are implemented. This generally includes increased surveillance, strict hand-washing protocols and a thorough cleaning of equipment and environments. In addition, internal and external movements are limited. During an outbreak, the Infection Control Unit reserves the right to restrict all visitor access in order to halt the transmission of the pathogen and facilitate the management of infected patients. Certain visits may be authorized under exceptional circumstances (e.g. visits to a patient in palliative care). 

Outbreak Status

No outbreak

Additional information

Hôpital Montfort is committed to creating an environment that is safe for patients. By publicly reporting data on patient safety indicators, we strive for transparency, accountability and using that data to drive quality improvement.

View the specific infection rate for each of the safety indicators.

For more information on infection prevention at Montfort: