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Media requests


Hôpital Montfort and Clinical Services
Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Department of Communications
613-746-4621, ext. 2014 communications(a)

Institut du Savoir Montfort, Research and Training
Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Department of Communications

Outside regular office hours

Outside regular office hours, a member of the Department of Communications is available to answer media requests. However, this service is strictly reserved for emergencies. To reach us outside regular office hours, call 613-746-4621, ext. 2400. The on-call staff will be able to direct your call.

Hôpital Montfort has implemented a media requests management process which aims to provide accurate and relevant information to media, and protects confidentiality of patient information.

All media requests, including interview requests with staff members, volunteers, visitors or patients, and requests for permission to film and/or record and/or photograph on the hospital’s grounds, must be sent to the Department of Communications.

Members of the media, and any individuals provided with a camera and/or equipment for audio-visual recording, are not allowed to film and/or record and/or photograph staff members, volunteers, visitors or patients without verbal or written consent from the individuals in question and the Department  of Communications, unless it is for a press conference or a public event.

Members of the media shall at all times be accompanied by a member of the Department of Communications while on the hospital’s grounds.

Condition updates can only be provided if members of the media provide the full name and correct spelling of the patient in question. Note that the Department of Communications is bound by the Personal Health Information Protection Act. As such, patient condition is the only update that can be provided to media. The reason for hospitalization, nature of illness /injury and treatment cannot be released by Montfort.

Occasionally, the hospital's staff are not able to confirm the patient’s presence in hospital or provide their status. This could be for a few reasons, for example the patient/family has asked for their file to be confidential; the patient has left the hospital; or the patient has passed away.

In cases of death involving a coroner, media enquiries about the cause of death are forwarded to the coroner's office. 

In any case, we ask that you respect the privacy of our patients and their loved ones.