Minor Surgery
This clinic receives patients who require minor surgery performed under local anesthesia, such as cyst excisions and biopsies.
Please note that a medical referral is mandatory.
General surgery
Dr. Robert Grant
Phone : 613-241-3013
Fax : 613-241-4482
Dr. André Martel
Phone : 613-241-3013
Fax : 613-241-4482
Dr. Daniel Trottier
Phone : 613-686-1911
Fax : 613-830-1901
Dr. José M. Pires
Phone : 613-241-3013, poste 22
Fax : 613-241-4482
Dr. Benoît St‑Jean
Phone : 613-241-3013
Fax : 613-241-4482
Dr. Suleena Duhaime
Phone : 613-241-3013
Fax : 613-241-4482
Additional Notes
Patients with an appointment will receive
an automated reminder by phone, up to
5 days prior to their appointment.
This service requires a medical referral from your physician.
Reception: room 1D173
To book an appointment :
Fax a request to the doctor's office, listed on the left.
Phone, to reach the clinic: 613-748-4930