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Membership Application Request - Hôpital Montfort Association

Hôpital Montfort Association

General requirements:

  • Be at least 18 years old;
  • Have their principal residence in Ontario, continuously, for at least three months prior to the date of membership;
  • Commit to promote the Association's mission, vision, values and strategic directions;
  • Commit to supporting Ontario's role as a francophone institution and the francophone character of the Association;
  • Not have been declared incapable of managing property under the Substitute Decisions Act, 1992 or the Mental Health Act;
  • Not have been declared incompetent by a court, in Canada or abroad;
  • Not be a bankrupt;
  • Not be a “non-qualifying individual” within the meaning of the Income Tax Act (Canada) or any regulation made thereunder;
  • Not be an employee or professional staff member of Hôpital Montfort, or the spouse or common-law partner of such a person.

To help us get to know you and for more information regarding your Areas of Professional Expertise, we encourage you to send us your Curriculum Vitae (CV).

What is your mother tongue (first language learned and still understood)?

If your mother tongue is not French, what is your level of competency with French?

Oral comprehension and expression
Written comprehension and expression

The Hôpital Montfort Association wishes to be representative of its community. It encourages people from the Aboriginal, ethno-cultural, Black, 2SLGBTQIA+, and disability communities to self-identify. Please indicate if you belong to any of the following communities:

For which activity would you be interested in participating
Clinical Care
Law and Ethics
Teaching and Research
Financial Expertise
Real Estate Development
Business / Administration
Quality and Safety (evaluation and monitoring)


To become a member of the Association, candidates must sign a declaration indicating that he/she:

  • Has read and understood the specific characteristics and role of Hôpital Montfort as a Franco-Ontarian institution as confirmed by the unanimous decision of the Court of Appeal for Ontario on December 7, 2001 (Lalonde v. Ontario (Health Services Restructuring Commission, 2001),56 O.R. (3d) 577, paragraph 71;
  • Meets the Association's eligibility criteria as set out in the Hôpital Montfort By-Laws;

If I am elected member of the Hôpital Montfort Association, I agree to the responsabilities described above. The submission of this form will act in lieu of your signature.

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Committee Name Terms of Reference Number
of meetings annually
Board of Trustees Govern and supervise the management of Association activities and business. Hold six regular meetings annually in addition to the annual general meeting. Hold extraordinary meetings as required. 6 3 hours Review documents: requires approximately two hours
Management and Audit Committee Supports the Board of Trustees in its role of managing financial and material resources, including information technology resources, and risk management to meet the needs of the Hospital. 5 3 hours Review documents: requires at least two hours
Quality Assurance Board Support the Board of Trustees in its quality assurance and patient safety role. The Quality Assurance Board ensures that the quality of care and service is an integral part of hospital governance and management. 6 2 hours Review documents: requires approximately one hour
Governance Committee Assist the Board of Trustees in fulfilling its role in selecting, guiding, training and evaluating its members and its role in evaluating its operating methods to ensure that the Board is able to fully achieve its governance potential. 4 2 hours Review documents: requires approximately one hour
Human Resources Committee Supports the Board of Trustees in its oversight role with respect to human resources management. It ensures that the Board considers, among other things, strategic directions in human resources management, collective agreement negotiation mandates and staff compensation. 5 2 hours Review documents requires approximately two hours