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Our publications and reports

Montfort, like other Broader Public Sector organizations of Ontario, prepares and publishes online business plans and other business or financial documents. To learn more about the Broader Public Sector Business Documents Directive, visit the Government of Ontario website.

NOTE: PDF documents are available in a different format upon request at 

You may consult the Champlain LHIN Hospital Service Accountability Agreements for Hôpital Montfort: Hôpital Montfort Accountability Agreements 2018-2020 - In French only

In accordance with the Broader Public Sector Accountability Act, 2010 (BPSAA), Hôpital Montfort confirms having complied, in 2021-2022, with the following requirements : 

  • completion and accuracy of reports on the use of consultants; 
  • compliance with the prohibition on engaging lobbyist services using public funds;
  • compliance with any applicable expense claims directives; 
  • compliance with the perquisite directives; and 
  • compliance with any applicable procurement directives. 

Read the declaration (available in French only) 

The senior management team of Hôpital Montfort is responsible for producing the unconsolidated financial statements, notes and other information contained in financial reports. Management develops the unconsolidated financial statements in keeping with generally accepted accounting principles in Canada. 

The history of Hôpital Montfort speaks volume about our ongoing commitment to be a key establishment when it comes to offering French-language health services. Under the new Language Policy of the Association de l'Hôpital Montfort, adopted in 2014, we must submit to the Association a yearly report on how the language policy is being implemented at Montfort.


Work Plan (available in french only) (Document formatted by the Ontario Ministry of Health)
2022-23 Progress Report (available in french only) (Document formatted by the Ontario Ministry of Health)
Narrative Section (available in french only) (Document formatted by the Ontario Ministry of Health)

The Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) is in charge of publishing the results of the standardized mortality ratio (HSMR) for hospitals across Ontario. Since December 13, 2012, the HSMR has made public the results of over 40 Ontario hospitals. Although many hospitals comparable to Montfort reflect the same HSMR trend, it is important to avoid comparisons between hospitals. Many factors enter into the equation, including the category of patients and the acuity of the cases. The HSMR is another tool that Hôpital Montfort uses to monitor its progress and improve the quality of care based on results. For more info, consult the Canadian Institute for Health Information website.

Montfort actively participates in the provincial initiative to reduce the wait times for health care services on Ontario. To find out more about wait times for various procedures performed at Hôpital Montfort or other healthcare facilities in Ontario, consult the Ontario Wait Times document published by the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care.

Montfort intends to fully assume its mandate as Ontario’s Francophone university health institution and to play a fundamental role in research as well as preparing the next generation of health professionals in Ontario. Our 2023 Strategy is based on one breakthrough: 

  • You will have integrated health services focused on your needs

... and four major objectives:

  • You will benefit from a clinical centre of excellence for chronic disease management
  • Francophones in minority communities will be able to access quality health services
  • Patients and their loved ones will have an exceptional experience with every interaction
  • All staff members will benefit from an inclusive, stimulating and safe work environment.

You can read the Journal Montfort, a monthly publication serving the dedicated people who work at Montfort. The Journal Montfort archives are also available. This internal publication is only available in French.

Bill S-211 aims to combat child and forced labour in Canada by implementing measures to prevent and combat these practices. While our hospital's primary focus is healthcare delivery, we recognize the importance of respecting the law and supporting efforts to eliminate child and forced labor practices.

Report on forced labor in supply chains (available in french only))