2022-2023 Annual Report to the community

The year 2022-2023 was another very busy year for Montfort, Ontario’s Francophone academic hospital.
After having almost exclusively devoted the last few years to managing the pandemic, the hospital was finally able to resume more strategic activities.
Among our many improvement initiatives over the last year, we developed several innovative partnerships:

We integrated Ottawa paramedics into our Emergency team to reduce patient offload delays, increase the availability of paramedic resources in the community and improve patient flow. This innovation attracted attention and inspired several other hospitals in the region to follow suit.
Once again, with the paramedics in the region, we developed a remote monitoring program combined with in-home visits by community paramedics for patients who have just had a transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) or an arthroplasty. In fact, this was recognized by Accreditation Canada as an exemplary practice in terms of this type of follow-up, which reduces the number of post-op admissions and speeds up our patients’ return home.

The hospital hosted the world congress of the Secrétariat international des infirmières et infirmiers de l’espace francophone, which brings together over 1200 health professionals from some 30 Francophone countries to take part in the sharing of practices, some networking… and a little recruitment.
From November 2022 to February 2023, to deal with the number of viral respiratory infections, we received hospitalized patients aged 16 and 17 to offer respite to our colleagues at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario.

Recognizing that we can do even better, we signed an agreement with the Wabano Centre to provide care that is culturally adapted to our Indigenous patients, and we extended our offer of the smoke purification ceremony (smudging) to the entire hospital.
In January 2023, we reached an agreement with Beacon Heights, a residence for seniors located close to the hospital, to transfer up to 20 patients awaiting an “alternate level of care” (ALC).

The transfer of certain services to the Orléans Health Hub (renamed the Aline-Chrétien Health Hub) is almost completed. Managed by Montfort, the Hub brings together several community and health organizations under one roof.
The Ontario Health Team (EHT) in Eastern Ottawa, to which we belong, merged with the Prescott-Russell team, to become the Archipel Ontario Health Team. The Archipel OHT is composed of 80 partners offering community and health services, with the mandate to optimize planning, coordination and the delivery of services in both official languages to better respond to the needs of the population.
These partnerships are well aligned with Montfort’s strategic approach, which is to offer integrated health services centred on your needs. With their support, this is becoming more and more of a reality.
Utilizing technology:

The integration of care into electronic health records continues to be refined, by incorporating examination requisitions for medical imaging, cardiology, pneumology and the sleep lab; by allowing patient attendants to document the care they provide to patients directly in their electronic records; and by automatically sending vital sign data to the patient’s record, without having to transcribe it manually.
Patients can now access their medical records directly on their smart phones via our portal.
We are participating, along with other hospitals in the region and Novari Health, in the first-in-Ontario Centralized Regional Surgical Waitlist Management project.
Responding to human resource challenges:

We developed an immersion program for new employees who are not perfectly bilingual.
We created subsidies so that staff members who are in immersion can take French or English courses.
Our recruitment ads were deployed on city buses and along the region’s roadways.
A creative agency was hired to develop an employer brand, that will orient our future recruitment and loyalty strategies.
We are also very proud to have earned and maintained significant recognition over the last year:

After Accreditation Canada’s visit in November 2022, we obtained a third accreditation with exemplary standing. We take pride in this achievement which is the fruit of our entire team’s hard work.
We are the first organization in Canada to receive a certificate for participating in Accreditation Canada’s Official Languages Recognition Program.
We achieved Level 2 in the Choosing Wisely program, a national recognition for our efforts to reduce unnecessary health examinations and treatments.
We continued to climb up in the ranking of Canada’s Best 50 Hospitals , in the U.S. magazine Newsweek.
And we are still among Canada’s Top 40 Research Hospitals.
Despite all this great news, 2022-2023 came with its own set of challenges. Some issues are ongoing this new year, without any promise of a magic solution.
In particular, the labour shortage continues —a common province-wide problem, exacerbated at Montfort by the fact that our team members must be able to offer quality care in French and English. The lack of staff has resulted in fatigue among many of our team members, and we must do everything we can to protect our colleagues from burnout.
At the provincial level, the overhaul of the health system continues, raising concerns about orientation and funding. We already know that the financial burden will be very difficult for Hôpital Montfort in the coming year. We ended the year with a deficit of 8.5 million, one of the highest in recent history. This reflects the significant pressures on the healthcare system. We are in discussions with Ontario Health to ensure that we can continue to offer the exemplary services that set us apart.
We also had to cope with changes in senior management last year. The most apparent change will be the arrival of Dominic Giroux, who will take office in summer 2023 as the new President and CEO, while Dr. Bernard Leduc takes a well-earned retirement after so many years at the helm of Montfort.
We wish to express our heartfelt thanks to all of Montfort’s team members, as well as our close partners—the Montfort Foundation that raises funds for the hospital so that it can continue to grow; the Institut du Savoir Montfort that combines research, education and continuing professional development activities for Montfort; our volunteers, patient-partners, interns and residents who choose to do their training at Montfort.
But also, our patients and their loves ones, for trusting us with their most precious asset —their health.
We are convinced that the entire team is prepared and motivated to pursue our mission: to make Montfort Ontario’s Francophone academic hospital offering outstanding services, designed with your and for you.
Dr. Bernard Leduc
Carl Nappert
Members of the Board of Trustees
Hôpital Montfort’s 2022-2023 Board of Trustees was composed of the following members:
Elected trustees
Carl Nappert | Chair |
Marie-Josée Martel | Vice-Chair |
Lucie Mercier-Gauthier | Treasurer |
Roda Muse | Secretary |
Denise Amyot | Trustee |
François Brouard | Trustee |
Luc Généreux | Trustee |
Alain Jegen | Trustee |
Pierre Lanctôt | Trustee |
Me Caroline Richard | Trustee |
Lynn Rivard | Trustee |
M. Jean Ste-Marie | Trustee |
Ex-officio Trustees
Dr, Bernard Leduc | President and CEO, Hôpital Montfort |
Dr, Thierry Daboval | Chief of Staff |
Dr, Marie-Noëlle Nicole | President of Medical Staff |
Mme Martine Potvin | Vice-President of Clinical Programs and Chief Nursing Officer |
Dr. Josette Landry | Chief Executive Officer, Institut du Savoir Montfort |
Lucie Thibault | Ph.D., Representative, University of Ottawa |
Members of the Medical Team
Hôpital Montfort’s 2022-2023 medical team was composed of the following members:
Chief of Staff: Dr. Thierry Daboval
Department Chiefs
Dr. Ingrid Custeau | Anaesthesia |
Dr. Nicolas Roustan Delatour | Medical Biology |
Dr. Jean-François Planet | Surgery |
Dr. Daniel Baxter | Diagnostic Imaging |
Dr. Marlène Mansour | Medicine |
Dr. Jennifer Douek | Family Medicine |
Dr. Anne Gravelle | Obstetrics and Gynecology |
Dr. Anuj Bhagarva | Ophthalmology |
Dr. Andrew Marshall | Orthopedics |
Dr. Aarathi Sambasivan | Pediatrics |
Dr. Kristine Levesque | Mental Health Program and Psychiatry |
Dr. Francis Dubé | Emergency |
États financiers 2022-2023
Revenue %
Ministerial allocation | 76,9% |
Patient services | 11,2% |
Other revenues | 10,4% |
Specifically funded programs | 1,5% |
Expenses %
Salaries and benefits | 59,7% |
Medical staff remuneration | 8,6% |
Specifically funded programs | 1,4% |
Drugs | 1,6% |
Supplies and other expenses | 21,3% |
Depreciation | 7,4% |