Name :
Camille Goure
Adresse :
Hôpital Montfort, 713 Montreal Road, Ottawa, ON K1K 0T2
Téléphone :
613-746-4621, extension 3807
Dr. Camille Goure has been working at Hôpital Montfort in anesthesia since 2010.Professional activities FRCPC Anesthesia 2011 ATLS 2009 ACLS 2012 MD (University of Ottawa), 2006 LMCC (Part II) 2007 LMCC (Part I) 2006 Honours Medical Science 2002, UWO Publications CPAP versus PEEP for Oxygenation in one lung ventilation, University of Western Ontario Publication-N.H. Badner et al., Role of Continuous positive airway pressure to the non-ventilated lung during one-lung ventilation with low tidal volume. HSR P Intensive Care and Cardiovascular Anesthesia. 2011 3(3): 189-194.